Cherry Blossoms

Noriki Shihan Seminar

May 26 – 28, 2023

We are pleased to announce a series of clinics with Noriki Shihan, former Dojocho of the Yoshinkan Honbu Dojo, on Friday May 26th to Sunday May 28th, 2023.

Noriki Shihan has retired from the Yoshinkan Honbu Dojo and is focused on building his own Dojos in the Tokyo area. Noriki Shihan brings his own unique perspective and insights into Yoshinkan Aikido well worth the time and effort to train with him. This will be Noriki Shihan’s first visit to Central Canada / Central North America.



Friday, May 26th 2023
Clinic A: 8:00PM – 10:00PM

Saturday, May 27th 2023
Clinic B: 10:30AM – 12:30PM
Clinic C: 2:00PM – 4:00PM

Sunday, May 28th 2023
Clinic D: 11:00AM – 1:00PM
Clinic E: 1:30PM – 3:00PM